Using Thermal imaging technology with the latest AI to screen for Covid-19

How CTSS works


Covid Thermal Screening Solution (CTSS) works via a combination of Thermal imaging technology and Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The Thermal imaging cameras - using a black box - provide heat signature identification of up to 0.3 degree accuracy. The Artificial Intelligence algorithms help optimise accuracy, identifying whether a person’s wearing a mask or a helmet (for example), or carrying a hot drink (which obviously would have a much higher heat signature).

If an abnormal temperature is detected (e.g. a person with a temperature higher than 37 degrees) the CTSS will provide an immediate alert, along with identification of who amongst the crowd of people being analysed has the abnormal temperature.

Video demonstration

Key Equipment


Thermal Camera

We use the latest Thermal Camera technologies that - linked to black box - gives heat signature accuracy to within 0.3 degrees. CTSS cameras work at a distance of up to 3m and can process up to 30 individuals at once.

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Black body

Using what’s called a ‘black body’ with the Thermal Camera gives the CTSS its accuracy - as the black box provides a base to measure individuals temperatures against.

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AI software

The AI-powered software enables the solution to learn about its environment, and provide more accurate measurement - for example identifying when a person is wearing a mask or when someone is carrying a hot drink.

Two system options

We’ve developed x2 different CTSS options - a ‘multi-flow’ option, for high people-flow environments (e.g. sports stadiums, large shops), and a ‘single-flow’ option for lower people-flow environments (e.g. offices, gyms, small shops).


Our Multi-flow CTSS solution can scan multiple people at the same time - in theory up to 30 people at the same time - in a passive-way (i.e. people walk past the camera without stopping, and are scanned automatically).  The system comprises of a camera + tripod + NVR (with AI software) + monitor. READ FULL MULTI-FLOW SPECS HERE >>


Our single-flow CTSS solution can only scan one person at a time, and requires each person to stop at the unit for c.2 seconds to be scanned - and is therefore designed for lower people-flow environments.  The system comprises of an integrated camera and screen unit.  The unit can be fixed to a wall, or used in a specially designed stand.  The system can be remotely monitored via computer software too. READ FULL SINGLE-FLOW SPECS HERE >>

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