The ‘Multi-flow’ Covid Thermal Screening solution

Our ‘multi-flow’ Covid Thermal Screening solution is designed for high people-flow environments.


If you operate a large busy building where you have high people flow at one time, the CTSS Multi-Flow solution is a robust and practical option to implement.

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High accuracy technology

The use of a ‘black body’ alongside thermal cameras enables our multi-flow solution to be both highly accurate to within 0.3 degrees and also allow a rapid flow of people past the camera - with the ability to accurately gauge the temperatures of up to 30 people at the same time.

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Quality thermal & optical cameras

Because it’s an all-in-one compact unit, it’s easy to position on a wall or you can buy a special stand to integrate the unit in.

The system uses facial detection technology to automatically detect and an individual’s face, and record their temperature.

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AI algorithms & centralised control of multiple cameras

AI processors in both the camera and NVR provide the processing power to provide sophisticated AI features like ‘mask detection’. Cameras connect to remote desktop software, enabling remote management.

At Scale. Ideal for large offices / sports stadiums

Our multi-flow CTSS solution is designed to work at scale, and is ideal for use in buildings with a high-flow of people.

The technology choice provides the ability to perform accurate human body temperature detection at scale.

Easy to implement. GDPR and data privacy compliant.


Our Multi-Flow Covid Thermal Screening solution is quick and easy to implement, and is GDPR / data privacy compliant - with controls to set up user data according to your data processing rules.