20+ years experience designing camera detection systems.
Experts in visual detection.
20+ years experience
Our team have experience working on developing and implementing camera-based detection systems over the last 20 years.
Latest AI technologies
We’re always researching & testing the latest technologies, including the latest AI - helping turn dumb images into smart images, using machine-learning.
At-scale deployment
Our team have experience in large-scale CCTV deployments - at-scale and at-speed.
UK-based family-owned company
We’re part of AMCO Security, a UK-based company and family-owned, with operations across the UK. AMCO are the UK’s leading monitored security company - started over 25 years ago. Read Wikipedia here.
Technology for good
We’re a principled company, and believe in using technology for good - whether that’s stopping burglars or stopping viruses.
Powered by innovation
Innovation is at the heart SmartCamera, and is what powers our team. Watch this video of our work in response to the Coronavirus pandemic . . .